Learn how to adopt growth marketing in your agency
You may have heard that the new hack of digital marketing is precisely growth marketing . If you're not sure how it works or even if you can be considered a professional in the field, check out our complete guide to growth marketing strategy.

What is growth marketing?

Growth marketing is a traditional marketing modality, which emerged to meet the needs of digital transformation and new ways of scaling business. For this, professionals follow a routine of experiments and analysis in order to attract qualified leads at the lowest acquisition cost and with the highest lifetime value. The method adopts the Y-funnel practice, in which inbound and outbound marketing strategies are worked on in parallel to attract the right leads at the most assertive moment. Thus, growth marketers have a different mindset about the sector, aligning knowledge and technology, sales and customer experience tools , in addition to following the evolution of leads throughout the funnel. In this sense, the growth sector tends to be formed by high-performance people, known as T-shaped marketers , capable of aligning sales management towards healthy and sustainable growth. Deepen your knowledge of the benefits of growth marketing in the following topic, but be sure to check out our guide to the top marketing trends .

How does growth marketing increase customer acquisition and retention?

Growth marketing is science and hard work, first of all, there is nothing miraculous in its results in attracting and retaining customers. In fact, we can explain them from the union in high performance on the main fronts on what tends to be the future of marketing, which is based on relationships , sales, technology and customer experience. In a practical way, the growth marketer absorbs in-depth knowledge about the company's value delivery, understanding who has a real interest in the product or service and customer pains. Thus, it prepares more assertive content production briefings that engage personas; creates a coherent plan and periodically monitors the results, encouraging a culture of experiments. There are several fronts to follow, so we've already said that to keep the vision of the whole, it's essential to keep the flow organized in a task and project manager like us. Discover the tool's powerful multi-project management features and stay up-to-date on the entire operation without a headache . Therefore, from the perspective of growth hacking , actions can always improve and are equally changeable, so the good result now does not represent the end of monitoring, it is just the effect of consistent and multifaceted work. However, even after feeding the sales team, the growth marketing function does not end, as it is also committed to nurturing the customer base with content and strengthening the relationship in a humanized way. If you are interested in adopting growth marketing in your company, find out below which tools are part of the scope of work for these professionals.

Tools to implement growth marketing

Growth marketing intelligence is built from the union of agile tools and techniques, from customer experience, marketing, sales and project management . In this sense, the growth professional needs platforms that allow him to follow marketing metrics , among these tools, we can mention:
  • Social media management platforms such as mLabs and SocialBakers;
  • Google Analytics;
  • Google Audience Insights;
  • Similarweb: market intelligence and competitive analysis.
From a growth marketing perspective, mapping performance indicators goes hand in hand with customer experience attributions, developing and finding ways to communicate in the best way, which is materialized in the production and use of:
  • Google Optimize;
  • Inbound and outbound marketing tools, such as RD Station and social networks;
  • Unbounce: landing page creation platform.
As much as assertive content is based on these platforms, the strategic work of growth marketing aligns the use of material planning resources to create complete briefings on expectations, we can mention:
  • Google Keyword Planner;
  • Semrush;
  • Answer the public;
  • Serprobot;
  • Google trends and social networks.