Electric vehicle makes use of printed solar panels in evaluation drive all around Australia

Commercial printed solar cell tech created by the University of Newcastle is being tested to power an EV's 15,097- kilometre trip around the entire coast of Australia.

A pioneering environmental supporter will become the initial driver to road test advanced printed solar cells, on an impressive EV road trip all over Australia.

Stuart McBain will undertake the significant campaign, Charge Around Australia (CAA), to promote EV uptake, whilst supplying easily the most painstaking field test to date for the revolutionary solar cells, developed at the University of Newcastle.

The chartered accountant from Liverpool in the UK has traded the clouded cold environment of home for the beaming hot outback, as he sets off from Newcastle for a lap of Australia.

Inside the electric vehicle are rolls of printed solar and they will be utilized to assist power the car on the 15,000-kilometre journey.

The major challenges for printed organic photovoltaics are effectiveness and resilience, the Charge Around Australia project details. It states comprehensive economic modelling has discovered that with even modest device efficiency and also lifetimes, large area oriented photovoltaic tech is able to take on fossil fuel power.

For more information visit https://chargearoundaustralia.com/charge-around-australia-test-drive/

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